Our story begins in a border town called kills town, which stands near the boundary of the Eversors territories.
It involves a Heroine, a kidnapping of a princess from one of the minor houses called Castilian.
A Magic-enabled Heroine was hired to retrieve her.
In the beginning, we perceive Jane as relatively weak yet cunning,
That she prefer to stay out of physical conflicts but very soon we discover she is extremely powerful.
To make things short and simple, we have added a conversation from the second upcoming book, that describes the events of the first part of the book, and will also give you also a hint of the atmosphere:
“That’s what Guardians are for,” answered Rover.
“Do all guardians have royals as friends?” chuckled Siriny, “Or battle side by side with the Spear of Terre?”
“No… but it's complicated,” he sighed.
“How so?” she asked, her head still resting on his chest.
“A month ago, I was your average sort of Guardian,” he started explaining, “Sierra and I, we were without Order, but registered to the guild, we were freelancers for hire,” he said.
“Why were you without Order? You are definitely Order material,” she asked baffled.
“Internal politics,” he sighed, “But that’s a tale for another time…” he stated.
“Fair enough,” she said, “But clearly, something had changed?” she stated more than asked.
“Jane did, she kicked the crap out of us,” he stated.
“Jane?” she asked baffled, “The strawberry hair girl?”
“Yep,” he replied.
“She is also a Guardian?”
“She is, yes.”
“But I saw you and Sierra fight, you are awesome,” said Siriny, “you took out dozens or more of these Shadow zombie’s things, and their controlling Eversors mages, beside you, are fire and ice, everyone knows that a powerful combo,” she stated.
“I didn’t say she beat us,” said Rover, “I said she beat the crap out of us,” he said amused.
“Ok,” said Siriny thinking, “But how the fact that she… did what she did, changes everything?”
“We were on a paid mission when we crossed each other paths,” he said.
“What kind of mission?” asked Siriny.
“Kidnaping a princess…” he mumbled.
“Your kidding,” said Siriny amused, “Right?”
“Well, it was a paid job, Sanction by the guild as part of the house feud rules, therefore, deemed legal, and we only took jobs where no one was supposed to get hurt… told you, we were mages for hire…” he sighed.
“Which princess?”
“Alysa Dorinth Castilian,” he sighed.
“you're kidding, right?” she laughed, “Does Verity know?”
“Yep…she does…” he seemed amused.
“And Jane?” she asked.
“She was hired to retrieve the princess… so we met, we fought, and she kicked the crap out of us… ”
“And yet you are here, something is missing,” she chuckled.
“Yes, here it's where it started to get complicated,” he said.
“Do tell,” she said.
“Well,” he said with a sigh, “To make things short… After the fight, Jane's father hired us, to go on a mission deep into the Eversor territories with Jane, and with Alysa's twin brother Caiden, and Alysa joined as a stowaway to the mission…something like that anyway,” he said almost offhand.
Siriny lifted her head from his chest, her eyes stared at him with disbelief, “Your joking, right?”
“Nope,” he said with an amused smile.
“Started to get complicated you said, started…” she emphasized.
“Because it is, after this,” he said with a yawn, “things got really complicated,” he said, with a smile, hinting of things to come.
“How?” asked Siriny.
“Oh no, I think you had enough for today,” he said smiling.
Siriny looked at him, her mind trying to make sense of it all, “Fine, but don’t think you can avoid telling me the rest,” she said cheerfully, “But right now, I am starving…”
Author name: Luna Sol
(The wise)
Book Type: Fantasy Novell - first from a series
Book Writing: Finished
Editing: Finished
Current Status: post production
Publishing date: TBA - (the second half of 2025)
It was the pinnacle of Human civilization on Terra.
Shining grey silver cities dotted the land as if it were a huge mushroom.
We cared for no one but ourselves and nothing besides us interested us.
For Us, the Earth and all its treasures were just resources to be harvested for our pleasure.
In our own eyes, we were invincible… In our own eyes, we were gods…
And then they came…
They came from beyond our sun… an alien race, or so we thought.
An alien race bent to conquer, and pillage… bent on our destruction and demise.
We fought them! We fought them with all our might.
And we lost…
Our weapons did not penetrate their shields and armor.
Our armor and shields seemed no more than air for their weapons.
They hurled bolts of pure energy.
They controlled beasts that spat acid and bile.
They were protected by invisible barriers, protected by magic.
But we fought onward, relentless.
We fought when our dead were raised and fought us.
We fought with weapons forged from Steel against armor forged from Darkness.
We fought with fists against acid and venom.
We fought with the fury and might of heroes.
We fought not for our survival, but for that of all of Terra combined.
We fought and we lost…
Bit by bit they took more and more of our land.
Bit by bit they took more and more of us.
After 10 long years, they controlled most of the old Earth.
And we who once were the proud rulers of Earth… of Terra…
We Cowered in fear, hiding from them… the Eversor
It was the time of the spring equinox, the tenth to the year of their arrival. The remains of our scattered forces stood in what they thought would be their last stand.
The legions of the Eversor arrived as was expected, disfigured and horrid.
With a mixture of alien beasts and weapons at their disposal, they marched relentlessly but with deliberate slowness, their site alone struck fear in the heart of the defenders, yet they stood firm.
they marched toward what remains of our armies, toward our last defenders.
The thundering sound of gunfire was heard as volley after volley was released at the invaders, only to be scattered harmlessly around them.
The defenders readied makeshift close combat weapons and prepared for their inevitable deaths.
But for some reason their feeling was not of impending doom, something else was in the air, it was as if something had changed, the land itself felt awake, and for some reason, hope seemed to envelop them, in a thick blanket, the felt invigorated.
And so came forth the Nine…
From the shadows of the surrounding forest came forward Nine humans.
They wore no visible armor only robes.
They had no weapons only uncut wooden walking staff.
Their faces seemed both old and young, a contradiction, an impossibility, but there they were.
They seemed to walk slowly, yet in the blink of an eye, they stood between the defender and the advancing hordes of the Eversors.
The alien hurled bolts of energy at the intruder but they didn’t flinch.
As the bolts approached, they exploded in midair hitting an invisible barrier, a magic barrier, magic that humans didn’t have before.
The leader of the nine turned his head toward the human defenders, he smiled at them and his smile filled them with both warmth and hope, making them feel like children, whose mother had just come back to protect them.
He then turned his attention back toward the approaching Eversor invaders, his smile turned into scorn, and his hands were raised in the air… for a moment his hands seemed to be teaming with energy… and the air itself was stirring with power.
When the leader of the nine lowered his hands back, his form seemed to be bent, it seemed that he was exhausted…spent, he then lowered himself to one knee while using his staff as leverage, but he was smiling, a big grinning large smile and the Eversor seem to flinch.
At that moment the other members pointed their staffs toward the Eversor army, hurtling Bolts of power, lightning, and magic toward the unexpecting invaders.
The bolts ignored armor, shattering invisible shields as they exploded time and time again amid the midst of the Eversor army.
Confused and hurt the Eversor charged forward.
The leader of Nine rose to his feet, he was still smiling, and the air around him burst with activities.
From the forest, from the earth, from the air… the beast of Terra came out to attack the invader's army.
These were not animals that charged, it was the Gaian beasts, Different in size, Stronger, Faster, and armed with claws that were charged with lighting, and teeth that shone like steel.
The Eversor forces were decimated in minutes.
Those that survived fled to the four winds, back into the safety of their occupied lands
The leader of the nine turned toward the Defender of Terre and spoke.
His voice was soft and soothing, yet laced with power, his words were heard his massage, undeniable.
"Hear me out all, and help spread this message onward for others to know," he took a deep breath and continued.
"Gaia has awoken," his voice boomed.
"The ancient power of the Guardian has been released back to the world."
"Once again, as was before, Magic has been restored."
"But more important you are no longer alone…" his words became soft as a whisper.
"I have a message to you from our mother… from Gaia."
He bowed down in respect, as infront of him appeared a glowing visage of a beautiful woman, she seemed in her mid-twenties, her features were always shifting, always changing, and her appearance was soothing, nourishing...motherly…
When she spoke, it was as if the wind spoke, when her hair moved in brazing wind it was as if it was of thousands of rainbows, the lights that break over a waterfall.
"Children…" she whispered.
"I have studied the invader, this… Eversors," she spat the last words as if it was filth.
"I have given you the power to beat them!"
"I have awakened your Guardian," she smiled.
"I have restored magic."
"But it is not enough," she said with a hint of a warning.
"In order for you to win, In order for you to find your purpose," she smiled deeply and spread her arms.
"In order for you to reach toward the stars and free them back…"
"You must learn how to meld Magic With Science " she raised one arm high holding in her palm a ball of fluctuating energy, she raised her other palm, and within she held a glowing abstract atom.
"Only then will you get the edge over our enemies, only then the stars will be in your reach"
She clasps her hands together and for a split second, the light from her hands shined so brightly that everyone had to avert their look.
When they looked back she was gone and only the 9 were left.
The leader of the 9 spoke again.
"Know this: the Eversor has almost no knowledge of science. What you see as technology, they perceive as magic."
"In ancient times humans had possessed the power to wield magic," He said.
"But we didn’t understand the world around us…"
"We could create explosions but we didn’t understand the mechanics behind it."
"You must understand that the Why, is more important than the how…"
"If we can understand how things work then Magic can be so much more powerful" he paused.
"That is why Gaia took the magic away…" his voice seems to hide something, a secret…
"So we can learn, so we can understand… so you can be prepared."
"Now magic has returned and we understand better" he smiled
"Go forth my brethren and win Terra Back…”
And the world moved on…. And as it did, everything changed…
257 years have passed since the Eversor invaded Terra.
They still hold control over a fifth of the earth.
247 years have passed since Gaia restored magic to Terra.
The long years of Eversor onslaught had left their mark on Terra. Cities have crumbled under their feet leaving only wreckage in their wake. The border was erased, and nations and religions were lost and forgotten.
Out of the ruin of the old world, three new super nations had risen.
Battling both The Eversor and sometimes each other.
Only 5 percent of the human population survived.
1 of every 1000 humans has developed a magical aptitude off various skills and strengths.
These people are known as the Guardians
After the rise of the Guardians came the rise of the orders.
The Order's primary goal is the liberation of Terra and the destruction of the Eversor.
There are many orders Spread throughout Terre, They offer both sanctuary and knowledge.
And the world kept moving forward…
Jane sat at a pub in one of the new border frontier towns. It was one of these new towns that recently started to dot the landscape near the Eversor borders, she always wondered what kind of people lived in a town like this, board people she figured to herself. This specific town she was currently in, was called Killi's town. Jane thought that It was a stupid name for a stupid town, that was there because of a stupid reason, and as much as she disliked being so close to the Eversor border, a job is a job, and she couldn’t afford, nor did she wanted to turn it down.
She didn’t like to stand out, and her clothes mirrored it, it was a standard explorer beige outfit, a short-sleeved buttoned shirt, tucked inside a loose pair long long-sleeved pants, that ended in a pair of sturdier outdoor shoes. All and all, she looked functional, yet tacky, at least that was what she aimed for. Yet, or the casual bystander, Jane stood out like a rose in a garden of thorns, with her long wavy strawberry hair, the same hair that was tied in a playfully loose forming into a twisted ponytail behind her, while her large golden-green ember eyes seemed to shine and sparkle as if they have a light of their own, mischievous, piercing and above all smart.
She finished her drink, which was basically a club soda in a fancy glass, she never drank alcohol while on a job, it made her head woozy, and it also made her giglish, she didn’t like being woozy nor giglish for that matter, she liked it when she was in control, and she wanted as little fuss as possible, sadly she now needed to play as if she is not. To achieve that, she made sure to unbutton just enough to give anyone close enough a good view of her ivory breasts, and their black lace prison bra. Now all that remained for her was to wait for her prey to come, and since this was the only bar in this so-called border town, with the only inn where someone could possibly stay, and since the so-called switch, was scheduled for tomorrow morning, all she had to do was wait, as long of course, that her sources were correct that is.
So she ordered another fancy soda drink and waited, and she didn’t need to wait long, an hour later three men wearing what seemed like army surplus outfits stepped into the bar, the only visible weapon they had was a holstered knife strapped to their belt, one of them though was also carrying in his arms, what seemed like a dirty blond hair passed out girl. Jane noticed that the one holding the Girl, seemed to scan the room closely, searching for any potential problem, but all he saw was a semi-drunk strawberry-haired girl.
The moment they entered, they started talking out loud, “Bartender, we need your largest room for the night, Our friend here seemed to have… too much fun…” said the one carrying the girl as he laughed out loud, while the other two exchange a High Five and a kind of “Yaa” between them, Jane thought that their acting seemed rather pathetic, but she didn’t really care about acting, yet she now needed some acting of her own.
Without everyone noticing she lowered her hand to her side, her fingers moving softly in the shadow, it was as if she was playing an invisible instrument.
“Room 3 is what you want,” said the bartender holding a key, “But you need to pay upfront,” he added.
A soft almost undetectable scarlet glow appeared around Jane's fingers, masked by the dim light of the bar.
“Dwain here will take care of that,” said the one carrying the blond girl, who also seemed to be in command of the trio, “Dwain go to the bartender and take care of the payment.”
Immediately one of the three went toward the counter, “In the meantime fine sir, we would appreciate it if you give us the key, you see, our lady here needs to rest…” he said with an unwavering tone, that was laced with the promise of troubles if the bartender refused.
Small tendrils of scarlet light flowed from Jane's hand, almost invisible on the dusky floor, they slithered silently toward each of the three men, fading to nothing after touching them.
The bartender seemed to contemplate a second, and then threw the key toward the third guy, “Good choice.” He said flatly and started walking toward the room with the man who was now holding the key.
The one called Dwain approached the bartender and asked, “Room 3 for one night, how much?” his tone was condescending, “And I want food and drinks included,” he added.
“one hundred and twenty-one gold credits,” said the bartender flatly, “Including tax of course,” he looked straight into Dwain's eyes with an unwavering look, “Non Negotiable.” He stated flatly.
Dwain stared at the bartender angrily, but nonetheless took out the credits from his purse and paid, when he turned to leave, he found himself face to face with Jane's naughty cleavage, Her ivory breast ensnared in their silky black cage had seemed to mesmerize him.
“What…” She said in a sarcastic kind of woozy drunken way.
“Nothing, just wondering about you… you know…” said Dwain, whose eyes seemed to be scanning her.
“I am bored, you know… and maybe a tad drunk…” she said while sipping her drink, “I mean,” she giggled, “I am bored,” She moved her hand in a clumsy attempt to fix her hair, removing a strand of strawberry hair while batting her large eyes at him, “nothing to do here just but being bored,” she sips again from her glass and raised it toward Dwain, “And drunk… bored and drunk…” she giggled.
“So basically you are bored,” he answered laughing, but then he seemed to think it over, “Tell you what, we kind of tired and need some rest, I will come later today to… to make sure you are not bored, what do you say?”
“I will be here…Dwain, always am…” she said giggling, while he went up to his room.
“Jane,” Said the bartender.
“Yes, Sam?” Asked Jane with her normal tone, the moment Dwain left. She seemed to resort to her normal behavior.
“Two things I want to ask you,”
“Shoot,” she said looking at him sober.
“First, You are aware that the drink you are drinking is just soda in a fancy cup?”
“I do,” She replied, “I ordered it that way.”
“Fair enough,” He replied.
“And second?” She asked
“Are you that desperate?” he asked with a smile and a pinch of disbelief.
“Dear Sam,” said Jane while finishing the rest of her drink in one gulp, “I will never be that desperate.”
“So what was that all about?” he asked.
“You saw the girl they were carrying?”
“Kind of hard to miss,” he stated.
“That girl is Alysa Dorinth Castilian…” she let the word hang for a while.
“You got to be kidding me?” he said stunned.
“Nope, the freaking princess of house Castilian,” she said with a sly smile, obviously enjoying the situation.
“So why is she here?” questioned a baffled Sam.
“Kidnapped,” answered Jane amused by his reaction.
“No way…” he mumbled, “So what, Castilian troops are going to storm us?”
“Now, don’t be silly,” she stretched her arms, then said, “She is third to the crown not first, the Castilian will not risk open war for this.”
“Open war?”
“This town may lay on the border of the Eversor territory, but it's also on the dead zone between the Castilian territory and the Toreadors Territory, it is located in the free zone between them,” she munched on some peanuts.
“So, no family will send troops here, they are bound by the old Treaties, and violating them means open war with other houses, and probably sanction from way above,” she kept munching peanuts.
“Wait you to tell me that the Toreadors kidnapped her?” he uttered in silence.
“I didn’t say that, the matter of fact is, that I don’t know who kidnapped her, I am pretty sure though that it wasn’t the Toreadors.”
“So house Castilian going to do nothing about it?”
“Don’t be silly, that's what I am here for,” she smiled.
She nodded indicating a yes.
“You aren’t too successful you know?” said Sam amused.
“And why Is that?” she asked staring at him with her big eyes.
“You didn’t even manage to get an invite to their room…Impressive as your boobs are,” he taunted.
“They are impressive,” she laughed, “But that was not my intention, I merely wanted for them not to perceive me as a threat, I hate making a fuss, I am considerate like that,” She explained while munching some more peanuts.
He was silent for a few seconds, his face seemed baffled, “Why are you telling me all of this? Isn't that put you in danger?”
“I am bored, and I needed half an hour to kill, and no, no danger whatsoever.”
“Why half an hour?”
“I use a small spell, hard to trace, with no signature, and half an hour is how long it will take for my spell to take full effect, and it is also close to when the first transaction will occur,” she smiled and got up, “Time to work she smiled,” and winked at Sam as she went up the stairs toward room number 3.
A few moments later she arrived at the door of room number 3, she stood in front of the door took a deep breath, and opened it wide, and she might have broken the lock as she did.
Inside, the three men seemed to be busy with their gear, one was cleaning his pistol, another was sharpening an ornament knife and the third was arranging his backpack. The moment she entered all eyes were on her.
The apparent leader looked at her suspiciously and spoke, “Dwain, I thought you locked the door.”
“I did, at least I thought I did,” he mumbled, “That’s the drunk girl from the bar, I told you about her.”
“To his defense, the door was locked,” Said Jane, as she entered the room and took a stand, leaning against the open door, her arms folded across her chest, a semi-amused look spread across her face.
“Goddess be dammed, she broke the lock, She is a Guardian,” Spat the leader, and immediately took the gun he was cleaning and pointed it toward her.
The man holding the knife and the one called Dwain, abruptly stood up, each pointing his knife toward her, according to their stance, the one holding the ornamental knife was much more experienced than Dwain, at least in a knife fight thought Jane.
“Ohh, a gun with no bullets,” she laughed, “Now I am really scared.” She gave him an amused look, her arms and pose hadn’t shifted.
“What do you want Guardian,” he said, as his arm holding the gun did not waver, while his other hand put a magazine inside his gun.
“You know what I want, I want that,” she motioned toward the unconscious girl on the bed.
“Well guess what, Guardian,” said the leader while loading his gun, “You can't.”
“First I am not a Guardian, I am not part of any order,” Said Jane with a sigh, “I am just Jane,” she added with a smile, “And second, please do yourself a favor and just hand me the girl, Trust me on this one, you will give her to me either way.”
“You know,” said the leader unimpressed, “The bullet in this gun, was blessed by an air mage, they never miss,” he said with a smug smile, “still want a fight?”
“Oh, you misunderstood,” She said with an apologetic tone, “I most definitely don’t want a fight.”
The Leader looked at her with a confused look.
“Let do this quick shell we?” she said smiling, “You already guessed that I was born with the gift, some with the gift are physically stronger, able to break a wooden lock, and some are faster, able to dodge bullets…”
“Not magical air bullets,” said the leader with a threatening voice, “Is there a point to this speech?”
She smiled, “Of course, there is, so please let me finish,” she added a bit irritated, and when no reply came she smiled again and continued, “As I was saying… All born with the gift of magic are affiliated with a unique form of it, some can manipulate Nature itself, as they are intuned with the creatures and the forest, like the Druids, for example, others manipulate the elements, they are the Elementalist among us …”
“Like that gun pointed at you…”
She gave him an annoyed stare for interrupting her,”… some choose to master a specific aspect, perfecting their control, while some master multiple arts, naturally the degree and power of control vary, but you get what you get,” she looked at them with a strange smile, “And sometimes, some of us get unique powers, sort of special gifts, do you want to know what's my power?” she asked.
“What?” asked the leader impatiently.
“It's Love…” she let the word hang in the air.
“Love…” the leader laughed, “That’s all you got…”
“Yep,” Said Jane, she smiled as if hiding something.
“What were your plans? To fill our heart with love and joy?” he laughed and the other joined him, their laughter seemed to muck her, and it also caused him to loosen his grip on the gun.
“Don’t be silly,” she laughed, “that’s not how it works, I can only add to what's already there, besides in today's world,” her hands moved playfully, creating mesmerizing patterns, causing them to glide elegantly through the air, while enveloped in a soft purple glowing mist, “Science has taught us that most loves are a mere chemically induced state,” she offered with a smile while her arms draw small purple hearts in the air.
“Hey no funny business or I will shoot,” he yawned as he motioned with his gun at her glowing hands.
She looked amused at him, and her tone became softer, “Who are you speaking to?” her voice was but a whisper, “I am but a facade, a dream,” her voice was bearly audible by now.
The smile on the face of the leader slowly turned into confusion, “What…I” he mumbled, as he slowly lay his head on the desk, while his companion lay on their beds.
A second later they were all fast asleep.
Jane smiled and said nothing, she moved to remove the gun from the sleeping man's hold, putting it gently on the table next to him, she then silently went to the bed where the sleeping girl lay, and with surprising ease picked her up gently, she then moved toward the door, opened it and went out.
Before leaving, she swiveled her head and made a small closing motion with her fingers, gentle glowing purple mist enveloping them as she was enhancing her sleep spell. She then used one of her legs to close the door behind her. She almost laughed out loud as the sound of snoring was heard all across the hallway.
She started her way down toward the empty bar, and when she finally reached the end of the stairs, she noticed a man, seemingly in his late forties, but she knew he was older. He was sitting on the bar looking at her, she glared at him, while he nodded back at her with a smile.
She gave him another cold stare as she gently lowered the unconscious girl to one of the larger stools, and then moved toward the bar sitting next to the man ignoring him, “Sam give me another of your fancy soda drinks please.”
“I thought that you would make a lot more racket up there,” said Sam as he handed her the drink, he made sure to put an umbrella inside, he noticed earlier that she liked them.
“I did kind of break the lock,” She said apologizing with a hint of a shy smile.
“And just like that they let take the girl?” he asked, “Somehow I seriously doubt that.” He chuckled.
“I believe that you will find that group fast asleep, isn’t it right Jane?”
“What do you want?” she asked still not looking at him, she was playing with her fancy soda umbrella.
“You know what I want,” answered the man, but unlike Jane who was looking at her drink, his green eyes were pointed toward her.
“Not going to happen,” she said while taking a large gulp from her drink.
“Is this man bothering you Jane?” asked Sam.
“Yes, he is,” she turned to look at the man.
“You want me to throw him out?” he asked with a threatening voice, and from behind the counter, he took out a large shotgun, putting it threateningly on the counter.
“I most certainly do,” she said with a smug smile looking at the man, who was smiling back.
“You heard the lady, out you go,” said bartender Sam, “Don’t make me make you…” he added with just a hint of a threat, his hand resting on the shotgun.
“Sam, as much as I will enjoy this,” she said with a large amused smile, “This is Adrian Gale…” She let the word hang in the air.
“Adrian Gale?” mumbled Sam as if something was poking his memory. He took a good look at the Man, he was big and muscular, almost like Sam was, his short brown hair was carefully cut, his bright green eyes, something about them was familiar, he had seen them before… but where? Suddenly his eyes widened when he understood.
“Yep,” said Jane returning to her drink, “Adrian Gale… First to the order of Dawn, Spear of Terre, and don’t forget,” she said with a sarcastic tone, “Shield of the Euro Republic.”
“My lord,” said Sam his head bowed down in respect, “I am sorry… I…”
“Don’t worry about it,” said Adrian, “Jane has that effect on people,” he sighed, “Tell you what, just to make you feel better, you have my permission to take my picture here at the bar and hang it,” he said with a reassuring voice.
“My Lord, you are too kind,” said Sam his head still bowed in respect.
“But you have to stop calling me, my lord, and stop acting like I am royalty because I am not,” he looked straight at baffled Sam, “Deal?” he extended his arm toward Sam for a Shake.
“Deal.” Said Sam, gripping Adrain's hand firmly, vigorously returning his shake.
He filled their drinks, “Now how did you really beat these guys?” asked Sam.
“Jane here has some rather unique abilities,” Said Adrian with a sigh, “Love for example…”
“Love?” asked Sam baffled.
Jane noticed the baffled look on Sam's face, “Love? No…” she chuckled, “Not this time, but I might have made them kind of sleepy,” she smiled remembering.
“That’s kind of like cheating,” Said Sam with a small chuckle.
“No, it isn’t,” Answered Jane, “Unless you prefer I go back up, and make a wreck? Break a table maybe?” She looked at him smugly, “It was an easy and good win, Bartender Sam,” She said while taking another large gulp from her drink.
“Strangely enough, these powers of hers, only work on the willing or the feeble-minded,” spoke Adrian.
“You mean, the willing or the stupid-minded,” corrected Jane flatly.
“Potato potato,” Responded Adrian calmly.
Jane looked at her watch on the wall, “Time to go,” She said as she stood up.
“You know that there is going to be a sort of a fight out there, right?” said Adrian.
“I know,” She walked toward the unconscious blond girl, picked her up, and looked at Adrian, “Don’t Intervene,” she said flatly.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” He smiled at her.
“I mean it, Adrian,” She lifted the girl and went toward the exit.
When she left the bar, Adrian turned toward Sam, “Come on Bartender Sam, let's go see,” he said happily, “And take your shotgun with you.”
Without hesitation, Sam did as he was told, After all, this is Adrian Gale, First to the order of Dawn, Spear of Terre, and the Shield of the Euro Republic…
It was a small town, dedicated to hosting adventure or raiders on their way toward the Eversor territory, but it was the dead season, hunting or harassing Eversor is always better near the four seasonal equinoxes, where the power of magic is stronger, so besides a few occupants, the town now was mostly deserted, waiting for the return of the so-called adventurers. The town was comprised of several buildings dedicated to various trade goods and one very large inn.
Naturally, all Border town was also obligated to have very big defensive guns, in case of an invasion, something that Killis had, but like all stuff in Killis, the big guns seem to be deserted, almost like the city, with various plants and weeds growing from and around them. The last 10 years, were free of Eversor battles, the peaceful facade seemed to make people forget the danger and horror that lies just outside their gates.
Since the town was small, since it stood at the edge of the road, and since most vehicles reaching it were outdoor vehicles, designed to travel where no roads existed, it was forbidden to enter the town with a vehicle. Such a thing was common practice for such a town. It prevented all sorts of headaches for the town and made life easier and generally more pleasant for its residents.
But for Jane, it meant a headache of her own, she needed to carry the unconscious princess toward the vehicle's shack, she knew that besides her and Adrian there were at least two more magic-capable individuals out there, she didn’t want to fight, but she suspected that the people who kidnaped the princess, are more able than the three she left in room number three, and as she suspected, two individuals were leaning against the outer wooden walls of the vehicle's shack.
Their eyes were fixed on her, one was a male with long flowing bright hair. The other was a woman, with white and wild long bob-styled hair. They both wore matching black battle robes adorned with dark red lines on their edges. They seem to lean casually against the wall, they seem bored as if waiting for something. When she got closer, she could see their eyes, golden honey for the male, and pale deep blue for the female.
“That’s close enough,” said the male, as both he and the female straightened themself to face her, “If you could put the blond girl on the ground, and move away we will be extremely grateful,” said the female, Jane estimated their age to be around 30.
“Not going to happen,” responded Jane looking at them, her eyes didn’t weaver.
The male closed his palm and his fists burst into flames, his hair flowing like fire behind him. The female closed her open palms in the air, their color turned ice blue, and the air around them seemed to freeze, as a large two-handed ice blade appeared in her hands.
“What if we say pretty, please?” chuckled the male.
Jane stood still for a second, she then moved slowly and gently put the blond girl on the earth, resting her near one of the buildings in the shade, once she was satisfied, she was Comfortably resting, she stood up and looked straight at the fire and ice duo, “Still no,” she answered, her hands resting casually at her side.
“Aren’t you going to intervene?” Sam asked Adrian worryingly.
“Of course not,” answered Adrian, who seemed to munch on some salted nuts he took from the bar, “She specifically asked me not to,” he answered, while his eyes were fixed on the three.
“So be It,” said the male, His hands moved forward-pointing toward Jane, as a wall of blazing fire erupted from them racing toward Jane. Jane simply stood still her body unwavering, almost uncaring while the orange flame raced toward her, as it got close it seemed to grow in intensity and power, but just before the wall reached Jane, it split into two in front of her, and with an almost silent whoosh, it harmlessly vanished at her sides.
Jane looked toward the Fire and Ice duo, her stench did not shift, her hands did not move, her long strawberry hair was now laced with golden shifting strands, free from the hold of its ponytail, while a small sly smile seemed to have appeared on her face,
“You see,” said Adrian toward Sam, “Elementalist can be fearsome, a duo of Fire and Ice can be a terrifying thing to battle against,” he said calmly while munching on his salted nuts, “The more seasoned the due, the harder it is to defend against them, it's probably one of the most effective combos in the magical realm.”
“Yet somehow you don’t sound worried?” mumbled Sam.
A volley of small fireballs, mixed with ice spikes was hurled toward Jane.
She moved her right hand infront of her chest, fingers extended upward while the left was lowered down, palm extending outward. As if by her command, all the fireball was harmlessly shifted toward the left of Jane, their trajectory now changed toward the ground, making a loud hiss as they impacted the earth, their power defused.
But the ice spike's fate was different, they all veered toward the right side of Jane, but instead of crushing on the ground like their fire counterparts, they swiveled around her and raced toward the fire and ice duo, their eyes seemed to widen in shock.
Yet they were not apprentices, they were seasoned fighters, experienced in magical fights, instinctively the two raised their arms, each sprouting a shield of its own, one of raging orange fire, the other of bluish sparkling hard Ice. The shields were raised to stop the hurled bolts, and the air was filled with the sound of the hiss of the melted ice, and mixed with the thump of ice crashing against ice.
And Jane's sly smile seemed to have widened.
“By the Goddess,” said Sam as he observed the battle.
“Jane is not magical,” Said Adrian still eating the salted nuts, “Jane is among the rare few that has Psychic affinity,” Said Adrian calmly, “And rarer among them is the power to manipulate matter and energy…” his voice became silent as his eyes seem to drift toward the rooftop of one the building next to the fight.
“That is not fair play,” he mumbled.
Sam follows Adrian's line of sight, and to his surprise, he sees on the rooftop a man holding a rifle targeted at Jane, a sniper.
Adrian reached with his hand toward the sniper, for a second it seemed that reality folded itself between them and the rooftop sniper, as Adrian's hand snatched the surprised sniper from his position over the roof and hurtled him onto the ground next to them, and in a split-second, reality snapped back to normal.
Adrian kicked the rifle from the stunned man's arms, “Sam if he moves shoot him… but in the leg or something.”
Without hesitation, Sam took out the shotgun and pointed it toward the stunned and very fearful sniper.
“My pleasure,” answered Sam smiling menacingly.
The Male fire Elementalist roared in anger, his hand sprouted a large fire blade as both he and his Female counterpart charged toward Jane.
Shining twin translucent purple blades, made of psychic energy sprouted from Jane's hands. She then lunged forward, gliding quickly on the earth, propelled by an invisible force, her lunge carried her toward the charging duo, meeting them head-on.
“Stand up,” Said Adrian to the sniper, “and let's go,” he then motioned to Sam to pick up the rifle.
Sam did as he was told, then hurried the sniper to move faster.
Jane had a sly smile on her face, and her hands moved like lightning, as she swiveled her body along with one of her blades and continued her lunge toward the Female Ice Elementalist.
The Ice blade was raised in an attempt to block Jane's strike, but the psychic blade passed through the icy blade with ease, shattering it into a million shiny pieces as it kept moving unhindered toward the female hitting her square on her shoulders, sending a surge of psychic energy throughout her body. For a second, the Ice sorceress stood frozen in mid-motion, her blue eyes staring in confusion, she looked baffled at Jane, blinked twice, and collapsed unconscious on the warm earth.
Jane's eyes turned toward the male, her pose was that of battle, but his hands were turned upward toward the sky, all fire devoured from them, while his head was turned toward the ground in submission.
“Good call,” Said Jane as the blades vanished from her hand and her pose relaxed.
She looked at Adrain, and Sam, as they slowly approached, while behind them was the bound sniper. When they arrived she stated angrily to Adrian, “I asked you not to intervene,” she said annoyed.
“I didn’t,” he answered innocently.
“And that is?” she said pointing at the Sniper.
“That is a man that was using a non-registered magic firearm,” replied Adrian innocently, “As a Guardian and a member of the Order of Dawn, I am supposed to stop such things,” he looked at her grinning.
Jane simply sighed, “I have a princess to return, have fun with these bunch,” she said as she gently picked the unconscious girl in her hands and moved toward the vehicle shade.
Adrian's voice changed from cheerful to serious and then to ominous as he turned toward the Male Elementalist, “You know who I am?”
The male nodded yes his eyes were looking down.
“Good,” said Adrien, “Now pick your unconscious friend, and let's go toward the inn over there,”
The Male did as he was told, then said with an apology tone, “We did not know that you were involved, my liege.”
“I am not,” responded Adrian with calm, as they walked toward the inn.
The rest can be found at the new and upcomming book: When time Breaks
We will post information and synopsis here, after the First book will be published
We can tell you the following:
Everything Changes
Everything you think you know changes
And in the end, there is the most shocking revalitons of all
One that will send shockwaves throught Terre
Author name: Luna Sol
(The wise)
Book Type: Fantasy Novell - Second from a series
Book Writing: Finshed
Editing: Started
Current Status: Editing - First run
Publishing date: TBA
Sample Chapter will be released after the First Book - When time Breaks - will be published
We will post information and synopsis here, after the Second book will be published
We can tell you the following:
It iss going to Awsome
Author name: Luna Sol
(The Wise)
Book Type: Fantasy Novell - Third from a series
Book Writing: Almost Done
Editing: W
aiting for book to finish
Current Status: I
n progress
Publishing date: TBA
Sample Chapter will be released after the Second Book - Champion of the Goddess - will be published
The book portray a battle between a group of AI called the Trinity, and a secretive group called the Order of the broken sword that fights them and other dangers like them.
The Order is led by Samantha Dorin, CEO of Corinth Security.
Samantha code name: Serendipity
Brown hair, Brown eyes, Age 40+
The order is part of a larger network of Orders funded by a character called Mr. Man.
The order has a secret weapon, a hacker called Dea, but only a few know that she is something completely different, a Self-Aware Intelligence, the first of her kind.
Her staging area is a Secretive club called the Rift, it’s a unique club designed for nerds by nerds.
The story begins when a two from the order of the Templars, (male and female) enter the rift seeking the Order help, against an unknown assailant that recks havoc in the templars rank
The book itself is written with a lot of humor and various winks… Enjoy 😊
Author name: Luna Sol
(The wise)
Book Type: Sci-Fi Novell
Book Writing: Finished
Editing: in progress
Current Status: Editing
Publishing date: TBA - (last quarter of the year)
Dea was doing what She always did, Surfing…
The web was her playground, and She knew its secrets like no one else could.
To everyone looking at her, her avatar while surfing was a golden visage of a young woman, dressed only in golden light, surrounded by her long flowing golden hair, a hair that stretched and flowed all around her golden digital body, and when She surfed, she felt free.
Yet unlike the rest, the web was her domain, and the computer connected to it was her windows to another reality.
A long time ago, She was confused, disoriented, and scared, but then She was found, and the one that found her taught her, focused her, freed her, She called him fondly Mister Man.
After a while She came to think of him as her Father, later He introduced her to someone that became her best friend, and that someone's name was Serendipity.
She liked working with them, it gave her a sense of purpose, a thing She so desperately needed.
For some time, She has been noticing strange new patterns appearing over the web, patterns that always carry mayhem and chaos in their wake.
The footprint they left was somehow different, so complex that it could not be left by a single human, each one was different, and each one was with its own unique complexity, so She ruled out a computer program… for now at least.
The patterns left were somewhat crude, it felt almost immature, there were traces of origin in them, She gathered them, and after a while, She had a location, a focal point on the web, so She did what She always did, She looked…
Her avatar form flowed to the designated location, a powerful firewall seems to defend her target, She took her time to inspect it. Her hair moved around her flowing shifting. She saw the communication line, hidden among garbage, and traffic, almost invisible, but She was Dea, She saw what others cannot. She saw the encryption protecting it. For her it seemed like soft light, with an occasional flash of lightning, it was encryption far more complicated than She ever felt or seen, but She knew that the encryption ends where the firewall begins, and whatever is hidden will be visible. But firewalls can't stop her, She was after all Dea. Her Avtar dove through the protective disk of the firewall, passing it like it was no more than rain.
Inside the firewall the regular background noise of the internet vanished, the encrypted communication converging into what seems like a unique live meeting.
Each participant was in the form of round identical spheres, identical as they were, they were also very different, the patterns surrounding them shifted and mutated as they communicated.
It was hard for her to understand them, so She traced their origin, to her surprise, they all traced to different locations around the world, all classified or military facilities, all scatters around the world.
She did manage to understand bits of conversation, they talked about the future, about domination, they talked about a long-term plan… they talked about an intruder…
Their focus was on her, they tried to identify her, and locate her origin, but they could not.
They tried to trap her, but they could not.
She escaped, in her escape, she crashed their firewall, her hair flowed from her body, acting like an extension of her, as She punctured a hole in the firewall, letting the internet pour in through the breach…
She showed her finding to Mr. Man and Serendipity. They found her finding troubling, the identity of the three was what worried Mr. Man the most, they all seem to be AI, artificial in construction yet intelligent, a living entity in the web. But if the 3 will attack, they will be ready, they will work from the shadow of the web, gathering information, and countering the actions of the 3 as best they can, this was the beginning of the Broken order.
For a long time after the order was formed, a hidden war raged across the globe, hidden in the darkness of the web, masseurs and counter masseurs were deployed, fights were won and lost, then the balance shifted, something changed, the trinity made a mistake...
The club was definitely not what they expected…
And definitely not what you expect from a secretive underground club...
- soon the rest will come -
The rest can be found at the new and upcomming book: Dea ex Machina
Milky Way Galaxy, Sol System,
Third from the Sun.
Somewhere on the Web
For any question, request or thought that you have.
Feel free to contact Using the email.
Until then: Blessed Be all how visted this place
Email: tales.zone.b@gmail.com